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    Donations Gratefully Accepted



Crystalline Consciousness Healing

with Jackie Barnes

Sunday September 15th  - 12 Noon to 2:00PM

Join us for a session of Crystalline Consciousness Work.  You will experience a powerful opening of the heart and an a elevated sense of well-being as you receive this healing activation. 

Please  remember to bring plenty of water.

Gratitude Power - Center for Heart Inspired Living
110 Railroad Ave - Point Richmond, CA 94801

Cost: Donation

About CCH

Our individual DNA is changing, evolving, and receiving the CCW helps to organize and upgrade these changes in a very individual way. This is the most dynamic, effective and accelerated way to achieve integrated results in our current situation.

Through receiving the CCH our systems become stronger and more functional. We are assisted in the unveiling of our own individual gifts and can then develop them according to our own, individual understandings, anchoring ourselves in the new energies of this emerging new paradigm.

The DNA segment of the CCH is the core work of the day. This will be experienced after extensive, multi-dimensional clearings. Then the organizing and upgrading of our 90 strands of masculine DNA followed by the feminine. This work will be offered to ourselves, the planet, the crystalline support & skulls as well as all sacred spaces.

Finally, we will conclude by experiencing the CODEX activations, which were a gift from the Uxmal pyramid in Mexico. 

About the Facilitator

Jackie Barnes is a Reiki Master and Instructor of over 22 years.  She has been working with mind-body healing for more than 17 years.  Jackie's amazing journey to spiritual awakening has spanned over 20 years.