In Your Heart
Awakening Your Inner Guidance System


Within our heart is an opportunity for each of us to access limitless potential and infinite awareness.   Your Heart - Your personal inner guidance system,  holds the answer to fulfilling your deepest desires with absolute clarity and truth.  Learning to step outside of the mind will free you from damaging emotions, slanted logic and misinformation. You can create the life you want by learning to shift your awareness to the power within your heart. Imagine how it would feel to live in an unlimited flow of abundance and creation as you discover your amazing potential.


Would you like to live a happier, healthier, more purposeful life?
It is the heart that contains the original instructions of Life, and when the heart is again in control of a person’s life, Life responds with joy, power and abundance.

This 2-day intensive will open the gateway for you to:

  • Access the power, clarity and insight in your heart

  • Truly listen to your heart in a way that gives you access to discover your amazing gifts and qualities

  • Use your heart's power to create the life you desire

  • Feel more clear, energized and empowered.

  • Discover your path to personal prosperity and abundance

  • Increase your access to intuition and improve your health, performance and well-being.

  • Increase your resilience for effectively managing challenges now and in the future.

  • Improve relationships with loved ones, co-workers and others.

  • Improve cognitive function such as decision-making and ability to focus.

The Experience

Based around the powerful teachings of new consciousness leaders such as Drunvalo Melchizedek,  Eckhart Tolle, Abraham-Hicks,  Wayne Dyer, Ancient Ancestors and more.

The answer to every question, to every desire is within you. 

There’s really no way to truly understand this concept except to do it—to experience it, because it falls outside of normal human consciousness completely. Where everything in the mind is based on thoughts and logic, being In Your Heart is not. This is pure feminine energy. This flow doesn’t even know logic--Everything is whole, complete and perfect as it is.

You are more than a human being, much more. For within your heart is a place, a sacred place where the world can literally be remade through conscious co-creation.
“Drunvalo Melchizedek” – Living in the Heart

Bonus: Free 21 day Online Journaling Course with early registration.

  March 9 & 10th
Saturday 10AM - 4PM
Sunday 10AM - 4PM

Tuition: 2-day Intensive

Center for Heart Inspired Living
110 Railroad Ave., Point Richmond, CA 94801


            Point Richmond, CA