What happens when an entire town
practices Gratitude at the same time?
Join us on this magical
journey of Gratitude October 17, November 18th. We invite
you to participate in activities to raise the vibration of Gratitude in
Fairfax. Gratitude contributes powerfully to human health, happiness and
social connection.
Step into the circle of gratitude... this powerful space will take you
on a journey where you discover the magic of appreciation. |
The Natural Space
- Fairfax, CA |
October/November Workshops & Events
All workshops & events are offered as a FREE introductions to Gratitude Power
Foundation Services.
Donations gratefully accepted. |
Oct 4th - 10:00am -
4PM :
Volunteer Workshop on Gratitude
Location: The Natural Space - 12 E School St., Fairfax
Oct 15th - 6:30 -
8:30 :
Volunteer Kick-off Meeting
Location: The Natural Space - 12 E School St., Fairfax
Oct 17th: 7:00 -
Opening Ceremony -30 Days of Gratitude
Featuring Cameron Brown and Kris Freewoman
Join us for a grounding meditation, music and dance
LOCATION: Fairfax Community Church -2398 Sir Francis Drake Blvd.
Oct 21: 7:00pm
- 9:00 PM
Cultivating Gratitude
LOCATION: Fairfax Community Church
Oct 23rd -7Pm - 9PM:
Workshop: Building Community & Leadership training Bill
Say, MA - Location: The Natural Space
Oct 25th -12Noon
- 5PM
Fall Community Festival
Location: Bolinas Park
Oct 26th -1PM -
3:30 PM
Workshop: Rhythms of Gratitude- Featuring Reda Rackley
San Geronimo Community Center
Oct 28: 7:00PM -
Gratitude Meditation
LOCATION: Fairfax Community Church - 2398 Sir Francis Drake Blvd.
Oct 29: 7:00PM -
Workshop: Growing Your Business through Gratitude
LOCATION: The Natural Space
Nov 1: 1:00Pm -
Women's Pamper Party! - Join us for a day of self-appreciation.
Massages, facials, pedicures, and more. Space is limited so please RSVP
your attendance. Thanks
LOCATION: The Natural Space
Nov 2 -1PM -
3:30 PM
Workshop: Rhythms of Gratitude
Location: The Natural Space - 12 E School St., Fairfax
30 days of Gratitude Activities
- Online Gratitude
- Women's Pamper
- Customer
Appreciation Day
- Shop Fairfax Day -
Merchant Appreciation
- Gratitude Rhythms
- Workshop:
Cultivating Gratitude
- Workshop:
Gratitude for Prosperity
- Workshop: Building
Community Through Gratitude
Gratitude Power awakens the heart and shows you how to experience
freedom with more abundance, more love, more positive energy as a result
of practicing gratitude. We invite you to become a part of a
innovative learning experience that will truly transform your life.
