Gratitude Grants

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Gratitude Grants

Gratitude Grants are cash awards that the Gratitude Power Foundation gives to members in the network. One of our unique  giving strategies is to recognize those who nurture and support our philosophy with their service and practice of gratitude.   Gratitude Power believes that giving to those who uplift and nurture you will create more of the same in your life.

By being a part of the gratitude network we recognize you, your service and gratitude as an important part of healing the planet.

How it works:

Each month we will give a Gratitude Grant to someone in the network.  There’s no application process, no explaining why—We simply give.  You decide how you choose to utilize the funds—it can be for any purpose you desire.

  • Each *Gratitude Grant is based off the total membership for the month - As the network grows, the grants will grow. 

  • Members complete a gratitude card upon joining the network that goes into our Gratitude Bowl.

  • We give 12 Gratitude Grants per year, by drawing a member’s name from the Gratitude Bowl. (You must be an active member when your name is drawn. )

  • Gratitude Grants will be awarded at our monthly Gratitude Power mixer, however – you need not be present to receive a grant.  Our newsletter will also announce the recipient of the award each month.

*Gratitude Grants will begin after the first 100 members have joined the network.