You can raise money for your organization or charity by sponsoring a
Gratitude Power fundraiser. Promote the action of
gratitude with Gratitude Rock gifts and earn 40% of net proceeds.

If you are interested in having a Gratitude Power fundraiser for your group
or organization, contact us at
Our Gratitude Ambassador will follow up with you and help you get started.
Fundraiser Details:
- Each organization will be assigned a Gratitude
Ambassador who will be the contact and liaison for the fundraiser.
The Ambassador will make sure that all components of the fundraiser are
running smoothly and provide you with fundraiser supplies when needed.
- Participating Company/organization agrees to purchase
1 Gratitude Kit or more to start the cycle of giving.
- Company will be assigned a fundraiser ID number that
will be used to identify purchases made toward the fundraiser.
- Purchasers can buy 1 gratitude rock & card for $14.95
or 1 Gratitude kit that contains 3 gifts(3 rocks & 3 cards) for $39.95
- Organization earns 40% of net proceeds
- Gratitude Power will provide Fundraiser sheets used
to take orders for the Gratitude Rock gifts. Information cards will also
be provided for distribution to the purchasers.
- Organization/Group will transfer orders to a master
order sheet and submit with payment to Gratitude Ambassador at the end
of the fundraiser.
- Gratitude Power will fill all orders and ship the
Gratitude Rock gifts to the fundraiser organization.
- Company fundraiser will be promoted on the Gratitude
Power website. (www.gratitudepower.net) Company also has the option to
promote the fundraiser on their website or use the postcards as mailers.
- Proceeds earned from fundraiser will be processed and
distributed monthly. Checks will be made out in the company name (unless
specified otherwise) and mailed to the company address on file.
- The Gratitude Ambassador will provide the company
with a monthly progress report.